Neo4j: guide to use a graph database

Neo4j is the leader in graph databases. Through Cypher queries, it is possible to optimally manage a graph representation of our data and discover interesting correlations between them. Let’s find out how to use it with some simple query examples and some advanced use case suggestions.

MongoDB and Docker – How to create and configure a replica set

docker e mongo

Creating a replica set in MongoDB requires several steps that need to be performed accurately. Taking advantage of Docker’s capabilities, you can automate the whole process. We are going to find out step by step how to configure the various components of our project.

Theory of MongoDB replica set

Schema MongoDB replica set con arbitro

Replicata sets allow data to be redundant across different MongoDB instances, thereby increasing fault tolerance and availability to distribute workloads across different data centers. Let’s explore the main features.

MongoDB Compass – extract statistics using aggregation pipeline

MongoDB Compass aggregation pipeline

Unlike relational databases, MongoDB allows you to create pipelines for manipulation and extraction of statistics in a simple and intuitive way. With the latest versions, the aggregation pipeline was introduced, which is based on the idea of creating a data processing framework. Documents in a collection enter a multi-step pipeline that transforms the documents into […]

MongoDB Compass – easily query and analyze a NoSQL database

MongoDB Compass

In this how-to guide on the most common queries in MongoDB we will use the sample datasets provided within the MongoDB Atlas installation. Find all the references on how to create a free account on MongoDB Atlas, configure a cluster and load databases to practice in this article. Cluster connection First you need to decide […]

Design with MongoDB

Design with MongoDB!!!

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